The Fairy Princess has been seeing quite a bit in the press lately about a lady who tried to shed her own skin – literally – in search of another. While TFP is fascinated by this, there are plenty of people writing about it, so she does not feel the need, and also – she is not African American – but she has enjoyed reading the many points of view, and she is reminded every time that she reads one of the articles of something she firmly believes:


She wishes Rachel Dolezal much luck in her new career – whatever that may be – as she has now stepped down from her leadership at the Spokane, WA NAACP, and at the same time, cannot help thinking…

Thanks for not choosing to try and go Asian, Ms. Dolezal, because we have been #EmmaStoned enough lately.

emma-stone-noddingAnd we’ve been Swinton-ed, and Johannson-ed. There is a whole lotta co-opting going on in Hollywoodland at the moment.


TFP cares about Diversity – she is on and on about it all the time, and for the most part, she speaks, in her blog, about those who are underrepresented in roles, even when those roles are written for people with their particular heritage in mind.

She does that a lot. Which is sad.


TFP decided THIS blog, she wanted to talk about another kind of Diversity – she wants to talk today about…wait for it – BIODIVERSITY.


Ecological Biodiversity is the diversity of ecosystems, natural communities and habitats.  In essence, it’s the variety of ways that species interact with each other and their environment.   The forests of Maine differ from the forests of Colorado by the types of species found in both ecosystems, as well as the temperature and rainfall.  These two seemingly similar ecosystems have a lot of differences that make them both special.” – Natural Wildlife Federation

TFP is fascinated by nature and all it’s many forms. She has a multi-ethnic background that includes various countries, and she has visited them all – except Wales – she has seen the differences throughout the years in the landscape that man has wrought. Oftentimes not for the better.


Fracking waste water  in Wyoming : toxic waste


Which is why, when her friend, David Lee McInnis


told her he was producing a documentary about wild wolves in the lower 48 States of America, she said she would do anything she could to help.

Because having seen this video about trophic cascade:

she could see that wolves are a vital part of our ecosystem.


She has also never been asked to help fund anything that was not, at it’s most basic, a vanity project.


This documentary  and it’s ambitions did not strike TFP as a vanity project. This is a time sensitive project that is of utmost importance to help draw attention to the importance of conservation and acceptance of wild creatures. The Wild Wolves are under attack, they need help – and they need it now.


TFP called upon some of her friends, you may know their work – because they are awesomely talented – Anthony Rapp (If/THEN, RENT),  J. Bernard Calloway (Memphis, All The Way), Erin Quill (OBC Avenue Q), Donna Lynne Champlin (Sweeney Todd, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Aaron Ramey (Bridges of Madison County, The Visit) and Raymond J. Lee (Honeymoon In Vegas, Anything Goes) asked if they would come and help support – and they ALL did.


TFP started referring to this project as #BroadwayHowls.


Alexandre Manning (Zoolander) and Josh Burrow (Captain Morgan, The Crimson Mask) joined us, and what we came up with is the video you will see below.


OPERATION WOLF DOCUMENTARY hopes to have the same impact on how the public views Wild Wolves as BLACKFISH did on how the public views Orcas in captivity.


The Wild Wolves are fighting a battle they know nothing about, but which will decimate their numbers until they are unable to be anything more than an oddity in the wild. The only ones that can help are humans. This documentary seems to be a step in the right direction.

Wolves foursome

The filmmakers have already been in the field, interviewing experts, and have the support of the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center in this endeavor.

TFP is asking you all, as a personal favor –  if her blog has ever spoken to you, or to an issue that you are invested in – to take a look at this video that David has put together for his project


WHETHER YOU DECIDE TO GIVE MONEY OR NOTTFP just asks that you take a look.

Thanks for reading till the end – thank you to all of the Actors who gave so generously of their time and talent to help spread awareness of this issue.

If you have watched this, and it made you feel….the feelings…please take a moment to post it on your Facebook Wall or Tweet it with the hashtag #OperationWolfDoc just to let us know you have seen it.

DIVERSITY – it’s not just for showbiz – come and howl with us.
