The Fairy Princess has been sitting on a secret, which – SO UNCOMFORTABLE -and now The New York Times has done the big reveal, she can share that because of her participation in the Internet Where it Happens, she has become a very small part of a project she is thrilled to have worked on – hold on to your hats:

Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez‘s RICANSTRUCTION: Reminiscing & Rebuilding Puerto Rico, an Anthology with contributions of 130 Writers and Artists from the Comic Book Industry announced today that it drops on May 23rd! (But you can pre-order on Amazon)


One of the reasons TFP is so excited about this anthology is because it is, across the board, incredibly inclusive. In fact, when Mr. Miranda-Rodriguez and she were communicating back and forth and he proposed she pitched a story – she was like…


because TFP is not Puerto Rican, so she figured she would support by helping get in touch with a few people she knew that were famous and Puerto Rican and then purchasing the anthology.

As you do.


BUT THEN...Mr. Miranda-Rodriguez told her about La LaLa Boriqueña‘s BFF who is…wait for it…1/2 Dominican and 1/2 Chinese!


Then TFP was all…ok, yes, Gawd, I will send you a pitch!


Which was then accepted, which allowed her to experience the genius of not only Mr. Miranda-Rodriguez, but the team he sent La La’s story to – Alex Lins, Christopher Sotomayor, and Arian Martinez, it was beyond an amazing experience!

TFP thinks that it is the coolest thing she has ever been involved in. Professionally.

TFP has ALL the feels about being able to contribute to this Anthology.

ALL of them.


When she later found out that her pals Greg Pak and Keith Chow were also involved in the project, she was even happier! Because they are fierce, fun culture warriors!

Keith wrote of his own involvement as Assistant Editor on his blog, The Nerds of Color, read it here.

PLUS she found out that there were quite a few reasons for Fans of Broadway to purchase this Anthology, namely – Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Rosario Dawson (RENT movie), Lemon Anderson (Def Poetry, TONY Winner), Mayda Del Valle (Def Poetry, TONY Winner) and Rubén Blades (Paul Simon’s CAPEMAN), oh and herself, TFP (Avenue Q).


Honestly, it could not get better – to work on something like this with people who are so generous with their time and artistry, and so devoted to righting an unjust wrong.

The story began by TFP‘s attending a lecture at NY’s own Natural History Museum, where she is known to wander with her kid, looking at dinosaurs. Now there is an Anthology. Crazy.

TFP very seriously hopes that you will pre-purchase this Anthology on Amazon


Visit your local Comic Book Store on May 23rd using the Diamond Code JAN189143

For more information, click here.

Listen Folks, in this country right now – and Puerto Rico is in fact, part of our Country, people are seeing that our Government under POTUS CHEEZUS is not down for helping people who are not already billionaires.

He will not stand up to the NRA, he is dismantling the EPA and our Department of Education from inside the House, he will drunk dial Putin and profess his love but chastise the rest of us on Twitter while his wife takes some ridiculous stand on anti-bullying – it’s a crazy time…TFP is all Dorinda, all the time.


However what we are seeing, which is gratifying – is that ordinary citizens are standing up.

Whether they are kids marching alongside their parents, or teens taking charge of the gun control discussion, or athletes taking a knee, people are saying “enough”.

This is another one of those instances – Artists of all different mediums coming together to contribute their talents to help raise money – it’s a beautiful thing. However we cannot do it without you, the fans, purchasing it.

So buy it – please.

It took a Herculean effort by Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez to put this project in motion – TFP wants to give tremendous thanks for even being slightly involved it it – and please, after you have purchased RICANSTRUCTION, consider grabbing yourself a copy of La Boriqueña on the SomosArte website – we all need to support interesting and original voices, and Mr. Miranda-Rodriguez is definitely one of them.

 Viva #RicanStruction!

TFP out.
