Today, The Fairy Princess was trying to take a break from the hate crimes against AAPI’s. She started wondering why people had so many notions about AAPI men – and of course, she circled back to the Entertainment industry. She wanted to take a break from writing about hate crimes and write about AAPI males, who are doing their best to shatter any pre-existing notions of what they can be.

Then she read the following tweet from Actor and Martial Artist, Lewis Tan and she had some thoughts. First, go ahead and read:

and then he wrote:

Mr. Tan is absolutely correct, his film, MORTAL KOMBAT, which is coming out soon – deserves our support.

OURS – We of the AAPI diaspora.

YES, we have been busy advocating for our Elders to be able to walk the streets safely, but one thing does not make the other go away – we can do BOTH.

We need to do BOTH.

BOTH are needed.

Here is the trailer, if you dare watch it: (You have to do so on YouTube, it’s restricted by age)

It premieres on April 23rd in theaters AND on HBO Max and for the record – Actors should not have to go on Twitter and ask communities that they are a part of to support their film.

We should do it automatically.


We ARE so vastly under-represented that every single time someone appears in a major budget film, we must SHOW UP and SHOW OUT.

Especially in the AAPI Community, when every ‘advocate’ has been railing against the Entertainment industry for perpetuating meek and mild depictions of our males!

Which has literally put a target on our Elders.

Here is a guy who is an action star, on his way up – and he is asking on social media for support – when ‘we’ have freely given it, to the point of hiring out theaters, giving away tickets and writing endless articles for other projects, but yet, not for this one?

He is absolutely right, with the film premiering on April 23rd, and today being April 9th – where is the support?

TFP has some theories on why this is…but if we are going to change the conversation about AAPI men in this country and from others within Asia – we need to include Lewis Tan in the discussion. The guy has been kicking literal ass in projects for a few years now, he is a solid actor in the action genre – and he has TFP’s full support.

Also – he is not the ONLY Asian actor in this film – so please take any latent internal racism bs about mixed race people not ‘really’ being Asian and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

TFP does not have the time for that, Mr. Johnson?

She is going to watch on the premier night – theaters in her area still not being open – but she is very excited. TFP wants you and you and you and YOU and YOU – to start Tweeting and Instagramming about how excited YOU are to watch the ten Asian descended diaspora kick some ass!

Plus Mr. Tan – 11!

Joe Taslim, Matilda Kimber, Tadanobu Asano, Hirouyuki Sanada, Chin Han, Ludi Lin, Max Huang, Mel Jarnson, Yukiko Shinohara, and Ren Miyagawa are all in there – names grabbed off IMDB.

Early reviews from Dubai are great – so WHY are we not talking about this?

Talk about it. Talk about it on Social Media. Get it the audience. Representation matters.

Speaking of mixed race performers who could use a boost – Daniel York Loh in the UK, had a performance of his new play streamed today. He was asked to write this piece for the International students at the University he was a student of, which is a huge honor.

Posting the photo above of two of his cast members, he wrote:

“This is Xiaonan Wang and Jun Kim in my play, Asian Exclusion Act, which I created for the East 15 MFA International students. Two fantastic young actors in a cast of fantastic young actors, the rest – Anne Tyler Morgan, Alexander Osborne, Brittany Escobedo, Maayan Amiran and Sean Verdu.It’s streaming live from an almost empty theatre (tiny student audience is all we’re allowed)


If you missed it because the USA is a few hours behind the UK – apparently it will be up on YouTube, just keep checking back.

Now we must talk about WARRIOR and it’s potential Season 3.

If you have not seen WARRIOR – you are not alone. It was produced by Cinemax, and ran on that channel, then Cinemax chose to not produce original content any longer, and the show was moved to HBO. Which is great – far more people have HBO than Cinemax.

Here is the issue – they only have two complete seasons filmed. They have the scripts for a third, but HBO has not stated that they plan on producing it.

While TFP does not know if petitions work – let her explain why you should sign it.

WARRIOR is the brainchild of BRUCE LEE, and it was never produced in his lifetime. His daughter, Shannon Lee, who is the Executive Producer managed by sheer will, to get it into production. They have an all diaspora cast of sexy, fully capable of ass kicking, all aged AAPI males.

This is set in America, and it is the origin of origin stories. It is a Western told by people whose origins lay elsewhere, but whose descendants are now here. It is Peaky Blinders in America, and just as Peaky Blinders is in it’s sixth season filming, WARRIOR should have as long a run.

The acting is on par. The action is on par.

All things being equal (as if they were), then WARRIOR should, especially right now – REPRESENT!

Here is the petition:

Finally, not all AAPI males have to grab a machete to make a point.

A huge shout out must be given to Bowen Yang, who on SNL made it a point to use comedy as his weapon of choice.

He and TFP are as one on the same point – if you are into beating up Asian Grandmas, and TFP and Bowen have Asian Grandma’s, then there is no discussion to be had.


If you are feeling helpless, like you would not know what to do:


People fight in all kinds of ways. Comedy sometimes hits the hardest.

Because when you laugh with someone, you share a moment – and if you share it – they see you.

Which is what we all need right now, to see one another.

TFP out.