The Fairy Princess is very happy to announce that Keanu Reeves is having a really good weekend, and it looks like it will translate into a great month of May for him.

Here are three reasons why:

First – he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – as did Ms. Lucy Liu earlier this month.

TFP loves that they both got it, however let’s keep in mind that Ms. Liu was only the second Film Star of East Asian Descent after Anna May Wong to get it, one supposes we should point out that Scarlett Johannsen already had one…

Merle Oberon was of South Asian descent, however Ms. Oberon was not open about her heritage. Likewise Vivian Leigh, who also is supposed to be of South Asian descent or Armenian – her Grandfather’s surname was Yackjee.

Which tells you all you need to know about the perception of mixed race peoples throughout time.

So it IS very nice to see Keanu and Dwayne Johnson ‘repping’ for the Halfies.

Mr. Reeves is not the first or the second AAPI to receive this honor : Philip Ahn, Yul Brynner (he is of partial Buryat (aka Mongol) ancestry via Russia), Jackie Chan, Sessue Hayakawa, Ben Kingsley, Casey Kasem, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Toshiro Mifune, George Takei, all came before – but as one can see…numbers are low.

There have been 2,600 Hollywood Stars Awarded throughout time, and when one considers that Victoria Secret – not the models, the store – have a star, one can see there is MUCH room for improvement.

AHEM, Hollywood.

You are moving, you are just as SLOW AF with the AAPIs – but take your claps….we are getting there…


SECOND:  JOHN WICK 3, in which he stars alongside screen goddess, Halle Berry, beat AVENGERS by taking in $57 million in it’s opening weekend – which btw is still going on, run out and buy a ticket – though AVENGERS is in it’s 4th week since release, and has a few AAPIs in the cast – notably British East Asian Benedict Wong, David Bautista, Hiroyuki Sanada (who incidentally was beaten by Jeremy Renner in friggin’ SWORD FIGHT, wtf which took TFP right OUT the movie), Jacob Batalon, and the fab Pom Klementieff – this makes it a good weekend to be Keanu.

Third – he is rocking the sexual heat opposite Ali Wong in ALWAYS BE MY MAYBE which will premiere on NETFLIX on May 31st.

Look at this trailer – hot, hot, hot!

Anyway, the fact of the matter is – when good things happen to good people, you root for them – when good things happen to people with whom you share an ‘issue’ – like not being actually accepted in either ‘world’ because you do not fit the narrow confines of what they perceive x to be…you kinda do the world’s happiest dance.

Awesome, ‘Cousin!’


If she is LUCKY!!!!

TFP out.