The Fairy Princess does not generally watch a ton of videos – they are a time suck, and I really do not care about kittens and the darndest places they get into. (I am a dog person).

Growing up, I had a Cocker Spaniel just like this one named Linda (My sister named her, I got to pick her out)

Growing up, I had a Cocker Spaniel just like this one named Linda (My sister named her, I got to pick her out)


However there have been some videos that have come up, which I enjoyed and I wanted to share them.

Top of the list – Alec Mapa’s Acceptance Speech from the OUTFest Fusion Awards:


Lenny Henry’s Speech at the BAFTA Television Lecture – it’s long, but it is totally worth it!


The Fairy Princess could totally identify with this speech, because in a way, it reminded her of when she had to give this one at LA Stage Day:


And building on that last one, I wanted to throw a nod to British East Asian Artist Daniel York and this piece that he put together, which explains so much about what lack of representation can do to one’s self esteem and artistic journey – or rather, the artistic journey that they are ‘allowed’ to have, when people are not as in charge as they would like to be:

